On International Women’s Day, Disney+ premiered a brand new series called MPower, dedicated to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most inspirational women heroes. The four-episode series delves into the journeys of these characters from their inception in Marvel Comics to their impact on fans worldwide.
MPower not only profiles the women in front of the camera but also those behind the scenes, including the show’s executive producers, Justin W. Hochberg and Zoë Saldaña. Hochberg conceived the series out of love for his teen daughter, who he hoped would have more role models to inspire her. Saldaña sees the series as a tribute to women’s representation and empowerment and hopes it will ignite meaningful conversations and drive real change towards a more inclusive world.
The episodes highlight four iconic characters in the MCU:
MPOWER—THE WOMEN OF BLACK PANTHER explores the women of Wakanda, who are the backbone of the world’s most powerful nation. The episode dives into their roots in the original comics, how the performances were influenced by the actors’ own lived experiences, and how the spirit of Africa and black excellence shaped every aspect of the films.
MPOWER—CAPTAIN MARVEL follows one of the MCU’s most powerful superheroes, Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), through animation and never-before-seen footage. Viewers will gain a new sense of the transformation from Carol Danvers to Captain Marvel, the women who look up to her, and how the teams behind and in front of the camera helped bring it all together.
MPOWER—SCARLET WITCH celebrates Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen), Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn), and Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings), plus the creative forces behind the Scarlet Witch’s iconic journey. The episode explores her tragic backstory, her years flourishing as an Avenger, and her ascension to self-realization as the Scarlet Witch.
MPOWER—GAMORA explores the evolution of the captivating character Gamora (Zoë Saldaña), from her days as an assassin to life among the Guardians of the Galaxy. The episode addresses her dysfunctional relationship with her sister, Nebula (Karen Gillan), and how she reevaluates what family means to her.
MPower is now streaming on Disney+, offering fans the chance to celebrate International Women’s Day with some of the most inspiring women in the MCU. With archival footage, imaginative animation, and candid interviews, the series highlights how these characters and the women behind their success have impacted fans worldwide.