“The Chosen,” the popular series that depicts the life of Jesus, is expanding into a full Bible-based universe under creator Dallas Jenkins’ newly launched 5&2 Studios. During “ChosenCon” in Orlando, Jenkins unveiled an exciting slate of upcoming projects that will delve into other biblical stories, including multi-season series on Moses and Joseph, an animated series, and a collaboration with adventurer Bear Grylls.
After the global success of “The Chosen,” Jenkins’ new production company, 5&2 Studios, will aim to produce Bible-inspired stories told through what Jenkins describes as “uniquely human and authentic storytelling.” The expansion plans come after Jenkins’ recent legal victory, which gave him full control over “The Chosen” following an arbitration ruling that ended his partnership with Angel Studios.
Expanding the “Chosen” Universe: Moses and Joseph Series
The most ambitious of Jenkins’ new projects is a three-season series about Moses. Jenkins compared Moses’ leadership journey to a reluctant Tony Soprano, tasked with leading the largest family in the world. The Moses series will cover three major eras: the rescue from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, and the journey towards the promised land, concluding with Moses handing over leadership before his death.
Alongside Moses, another series in development is based on the story of Joseph. This limited series will focus on Joseph’s life, with Jenkins noting that it can be fully told in eight episodes. Jenkins has brought in writers who are fans of “The Chosen” to help craft these new stories while maintaining the style and authenticity that has made the original series so beloved.
Animated Series and Unscripted Spinoffs
Jenkins also revealed an animated project titled The Chosen Adventures, which presents a youthful take on Jesus’ story, viewed through the eyes of children. The show will be a witty and fun exploration of Jesus’ interactions with kids in the wilderness, featuring a voice cast that includes Paul Walter Hauser and Yvonne Orji.
In the unscripted realm, Jenkins is partnering with Bear Grylls for a six-episode series titled The Chosen in the Wild with Bear Grylls. The adventure show will feature Jenkins himself, who humorously referred to himself as a “rugged indoorsman,” stepping out of his comfort zone as Grylls puts him through physical challenges.
Distribution and Long-Term Plans
As “The Chosen” approaches its final seasons, with Season 6 set to cover the Crucifixion and Season 7 focusing on the Resurrection, Jenkins confirmed that both seasons will have a unique distribution model. The final episodes will be released globally in theaters, continuing the series’ successful mix of app-based, theatrical, and streaming releases. Season 5, which wrapped production in July, is expected to debut next spring.
Looking ahead, Jenkins is exploring exclusive partnerships with streaming platforms for the wider Chosen universe. However, he reassured fans that the original show would always remain free, with accessibility for global audiences being a key priority.
Beyond “The Chosen”: Upcoming Feature Film
In addition to the expanding biblical universe, Jenkins is also behind an upcoming feature film The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, set to release on November 8. The film, based on Barbara Robinson’s beloved book, stars Judy Greer and Pete Holmes. Jenkins emphasized that the movie, while a Christmas story, will offer sharp wit and appeal to both kids and adults.
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