In the new Paramount+ series “School Spirits,” the recently deceased Maddie Nears, portrayed by Cobra Kai star Peyton List, finds herself in an afterlife limbo, stuck at Split River High School, the place where she died. With the help of fellow ghost students in the Split River High Afterlife Support Group, Maddie joins forces with Charley, Rhonda, and Wally to uncover the truth behind her death and solve the mystery.
Based on an upcoming graphic novel by Nate & Megan Trinrud and Maria Nguyen, “School Spirits” also features an all-star cast, including Kristian Flores as Simon, Spencer Macpherson as Maddie’s boyfriend Xavier, Josh Zuckerman as support group leader Mr. Martin, and Kiara Pichardo as Maddie’s grieving friend Nicole. The show is produced by former “Pretty Little Liars” executive producer Oliver Goldstick and consists of eight episodes.
While Peyton List currently stars as Tory Nichols in the hit Netflix series “Cobra Kai,” recently renewed for its sixth and final season, she takes on a new challenge in “School Spirits,” as she tries to unravel the mystery of her own death. The series premieres on Thursday, March 9 on Paramount+.
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